First Aid Training

+  First Aid Training  +

"First Aid Courses are Life Skills for Everyone"
Everyone will benefit greatly from our range of First Aid Courses. Whether it is used in the workplace or needed at home, having the skills and confidence to deal with an emergency situation is a "life skill" our experienced professionals will give you that knowledge and confidence in surroundings conducive to learning and in a manner that is fun and engaging. Call us now to find out how we can help with your first aid requiorements.
+ First Aid at Work Courses
The vast majority of people say that they wouldn’t know what to do if someone close by needed emergency first aid care. Basic first aid can be the difference between life and death and can have a huge impact on someone’s chance of recovery, the amount of pain they are in and how long they need to be in hospital. Prompt first aid can often mean that the casualty recovers completely, without the need for medical intervention at all. 

+ Paediatric First Aid Course
Our comprehensive Paediatric First Aid Course is presented at your place of work, or at our variety of locations, over 2 day of your choosing. Our professional experienced instructors provide you with a memorable and engaging learning experience that provides your staff with the skills, knowledge and confidence to act effectively when emergencies arise. The 12 hour Paediatric course meets all OFSTED/EYFS requirements.

+ Family First Aid Sessions
What would your initial reaction be if your child or a child in your care started choking on it's food? Would you know what steps to take if someone started having an asthma attack? And if a family member had a head injury, would you spot the signs of concussion? Taking a first aid course run by a professional instructor will not only teach you these life-saving skills, but it will also give you the confidence you need to act appropriately if an accident occurs.
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